Horton's Happenings

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Menu for the Week

I am late uploading this and hopefully I will soon learn how to make this look cute.:)  For now, I am basically  uploading this so I can refer to it when I have absolutely no idea what to cook.:)  So, here goes the menu for the week:  Monday: We had...Ham, mashed potatoes, corn, and blackeyed peas.  I wanted to make cornbread but realized I had run out of cornmeal....boo.:(  Tuesday:  Chili, or as Samuel would call it...a cowboy supper.  Wednesday:  Use leftover Chili to make Taco Salad.  Thursday:  Going to surprise my kiddos with a Happy Meal from the Golden Arches because Daddy has to work late.  Friday:  A family favorite...Chicken Carbonara Deluxe.  The Weekend:  I usually don't cook as much on the weekend, except for a big breakfast on Saturday mornings, so weekends are made to eat leftovers or maybe try a new recipe.:)  Please share your menus with me!  I am always looking for new ideas!!  Happy Cooking!


  1. So glad you are blogging! :) Love it! I, too, am looking for new recipes so please keep sharing ideas. Will you share the recipe for chicken carbonara? That sounds good!

    Your blog is SO cute! Did someone design it for you? I do not know much about the blogging world and would love to have a different background. Yours is adorable.

    Love and miss you dear friend!!

  2. Hey girl! Thank you so very much! I am enjoying blogging so far. However, I don't know much at all about design. Lora Farrell gave me lots of ideas. You will see a small icon in the top left of my page and that is the website that I got the background and banner from. It was all free! They have lots to choose from!

    Ok, for the Chicken Carbonara recipe: 1 package spaghetti noodles, 8 slices of cooked bacon, 1 medium onion (chopped), 1 garlic clove (finely chopped), 2 cups cut-up cooked chicken, 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese, 1/2 cup whipping (heavy) cream. Cook spaghetti as directed. While spaghetti is cooking, cook bacon until crisp. Remove bacon from saucepan with slotted spoon; drain. Drain fat from saucepan, reserving 1 tablespoon in saucepan. Cook onion and garlic in bacon fat over medium heat about 3 minutes, stirring frequently, until onion is tender. Stir in spaghetti, chicken, cheese and whipping cream. Cook, stirring occasionally, until heated through. Toss with bacon. Hope you enjoy it! We LOVE it!!!

    Love you and miss you too sweet friend!!

  3. I need to learn to do more things like "chili one night becomes something else the next". This may have been one of our saddest weeks ever!
    Monday:{Canadian Thanksgiving} big spread which we didn't eat http://mann17.blogspot.com/2011/10/miscellany-monday-kick-it-up.html
    Tuesday: n/a (boys at my Moms while I taught Bible Study)
    Wednesday:Crock Pot Jambalaya
    Thursday:Left overs
    Friday:Cheese toast and cereal
    Saturday:Chicken noodle soup bag mix with chopped up left over ham
    Sunday: Call in to Applebees Carside to Go (we had a gift card)

  4. Sounds like a yummy week at your house:) That pasta dish sounds great, reminds me of one I order at an Italian place here. I'll have to try it!

  5. Thanks gals!! Kerri your menu sounds great!! I want your recipe for the Crock Pot Jambalaya please!! My husband loves Gumbo and I try and make that ever so often.
